Trainings 2019 – Linux for Jedi – Practice

Advanced Linux Practice page

Description Hands On Lab Exercises for Linux
Related-course materials Linux for Jedi
Authors Christine Tranchant-Dubreuil ( & Gautier Sarah (gautier.sarah
Creation Date 11/03/2018
Last Modified Date 14/04/2019



  • List of Softwares to install before connecting to a distant linux server more information
  • Arborescence image :

Practice 1 : Get Connecting on a linux server by ssh

In mobaXterm:

  1. Click the session button, then click SSH.
    • In the remote host text box, type: HOSTNAME (see table below)
    • Check the specify username box and enter your user name
  2. In the console, enter the password when prompted.
    Once you are successfully logged in, you will use this console for the rest of the lecture.
Cluster HPC hostname
  • Connect on the HPC

Practice 2 : Preparing working environnement

  • Type qrsh to connect on one node
  • Move into the directory /scratch
  • Create a working directory such as Formation-X (X corresponds to your login id/number)
  • Move into this directory just created and check the current/working directory just by looking the prompt

Practice 3 : Monitoring processes

Displaying the list of processes

  • Type the command w through 2 consoles : one connected on bioinfo-master, the other connected on one node
  • Type (on the node) the command pswithout option, then with the option u, ua, uax
  • Type the command topon the node
  • Then use the "option" c to display the complete process
  • Then use the "option" u to display only your processes

Kill a process - downloading files from SRA through two ways

We want to download one fastq file from NCBI SRA (available here ) using SRAtoolkit as below :

module load sratoolkit fastq-dump SRRXXXX

This will download the SRA file (in sra format) and then convert them to fastq file for you. More details on

  • Download the fastq file in the directory created precedently in /scratch
  • Open a new terminal to connect on
  • From this terminal, display the list of processes running on the node where you are downloading the fastq file with fastq-dump
  • From this terminal, kill your process "fastq-dump" directly from bioinfo-master

Practice 4 : Using the && separator

  • On the console, type the 2 following linux commands to get data necessary for the next (we will explain the two commands latter):
# get the file on the web and decompress the gzip file 
wget && tar -xzvf LINUX-TP.tar.gz
  • Check the content of your home directory on the server now (cf. filetree just below)

Practice 5 : Searching for text using grep

from a gff file

wget gff_url
  • Prints the number of lines with the word gene in the gff file - grep -P
  • Counts the number of genes - grep -c
  • Search for the nbs-lrr genes - grep -i
  • Removes the lines with putative word - grep -v
  • Counts the number of mRNA in the chromosome 1 - grep -c regexp
  • Counts the number of mRNA in the first five chromosomes - grep -c regexp

from a fasta file

  • Get from the same website the cDNA sequences of the rice genome (fasta format) wget
  • Get the help of infoseq program - infoseq --h
  • Run infoseq program on the fasta file just downloaded
    infoseq -sequence FASTA_FILE | head
  • Display only accession, length and pgc column with the options of infoseq
  • What is the shorthest sequence (Accession and length)? infoseq, sort, head
  • What is the longuest sequence (Accession and length)? infoseq, sort, head
  • Count the number of sequences with a length between 1000 and 9999 with grep

Practice 6 : Displaying lines with sed

For this exercise, you will work on the fastq file LINUX-TP/Data/fastq/pairedTwoIndividusGzippedIrigin/irigin1_1.fastq.gz

  • Print the 8 first lines
  • Print the lines 5 to 12
  • Print only the sequences ids
  • Print only the sequences ids and nucleotides sequences

Practice 7 : Deleting lines with sed

For this exercise, you will work on the fastq file LINUX-TP/Data/fastq/pairedTwoIndividusIrigin/irigin1_1.fastq

  • Delete the end of the file from the line 9
  • Delete the lines containing only a +
  • Delete the lines containing only a + and the quality sequences

Practice 8 : File parsing with sed using regexp

From the gff file precedently downloaded

  • Count the number of genes

From a vcf file

Practice 9 : File modification with sed

From the vcf file OgOb-all-MSU7-CHR6.GATKVARIANTFILTRATION-100000.vcf

  • Transform the vcf file in a coordinate file chr\tpos\tpos
  • Now, in the VCF file, we would like to replace the genotypes by allelic dose. This means that we should replace the whole field by 0 when the genotype is 0/0, by 1 when the genotype is 0/1 and 2 when the genotype is 1/1

From fasta files in LINUX-TP/Fasta

  • In fasta directory, there are two files : C_AllContigs.fasta and contig_tgicl.fasta. Before to generate a unique file with all 2 libraries, we would like to tag each sequence per its origin. In each file, add the respective tag VS1- / VS2- just before the identifier.
# File C_AllContigs.fasta initially

#File C_AllContigs.fasta

Rq : Test first the sed command on one file and STDOUT, then store the results in new files named RN-VS.MID1.clean.sff.fasta …

  • Generate a file named all-contigs.fasta with all the sequences - cat file1 file2 > file3
  • Count the number of sequences in the fasta file just created grep -c ">"
  • Count the sequence number of each library in this file

From fastq files in Data/fastq/pairedTwoIndividusIrigin

  • In the directory Data/fastq/pairedTwoIndividusIrigin transform the fastq file irigin1_1.fastq in fasta format
  • In one command line transform all fastq files of the directory in fasta (save the files before)

Practice 10 : Manipulating files with awk

From the gff file precedently downloaded

  • Extract the coordinate from the gff file
  • Calculate the mean of the gene length
  • Calculate the mean of the gene length for the chromosome 1
  • Count the number of genes above 2000bp length
  • Bonus: calculate the mean of gene length for each chromosomes in one command line

From the result of a nucmer analysis

We want to rapidly align an assembly against a entire genome using nucmer. (i.e., assembling etc.) to a reference genome. Type the three following commands :

#So we compare one multifasta that have been created against a genome
nucmer --mum reference.fasta contigs.fasta -p ctgVSref.NUCMER

#The previous command produces a file named that can then be filtered using delta-filter and formatted using show-coords to produce a human-readable table of overlapping alignments between the two multifastas.

#Filtering the nucmer results 
#The -l in delta-filter sets the minimum alignment length to 300. The -q “Maps each position of each query to its best hit in the reference, allowing for reference overlaps”.
delta-filter -l300 -q >

#Generate results (tab format)
#The -c and -l in show-coords indicate that percent identity and sequence length information, respectively, should be included in the output. -L sets the minimum alignment length to display, -r sorts the output lines by reference IDs and coordinates, and -T switches the output to tab-delimited format.
show-coords -c -l -L 300 -r -T >
  • Count the number of contigs in the fasta file
  • Count the number of alignements performed by nucmer
  • Count the number of contigs that have been aligned
  • sort by alignment percent ascending
  • count the number of alignement with alignment % > 50 then 80

Practice 11

  • Go into the directory LINUX-TP/Data/fastq/pairedTwoIndividusGzippedIrigin - cd
  • List the directory content
  • Run fastq-stats program ( more to get stats about the fastq file irigin1_1.fastq.gz
    fastq-stats -D irigin1_1.fastq.gz
  • Use a for loop to run fastq-stats with every fastq file in the directory
    for file in *fastq; do 
    fastq-stats -D $file > $file.fastq-stats ; 



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